Wednesday 24 June 2015



Yoga can be the best and straightforward choice for weight reduction as it doesn't have any symptoms. It is a moderate process and has durable impacts. On the off chance that you need to get in shape in the normal way, never forget 3 D's: Discipline, Determination & Dedication. Furthermore, yoga obviously! There are different yoga asanas for weight reduction. These incorporate back-twisting activities, standing asanas, sitting asanas and substantially more.YogaDay Our frenzied way of life and workloads don't give us a chance to live in a solid manner. The yearning for garbage nourishment and anxiety filled environment gives us a horrible body. The tummy and thighs are the most exceedingly awful influenced body parts of all where the majority of the fat gets stored. The danger of maladies and sick wellbeing increments with the fat around these territories. A wellness routine and a decent eating regimen will help to lessen these dangers. There are different methods for sweating it out and blazing calories like activity to decrease tummy, running, running, swimming, cycling and trekking Yoga is the methods for the considerable rishis and religious austerity to interface with the spirit and achieve congruity between the body and the brain. It is the all encompassing method for mending and keeping up general wellbeing. Be that as it may, regarding weight reduction through activity, the picture of overwhelming running, cycling, running and bouncing strikes a chord and the greater part of us can't relate yoga with weight reduction. In any case, yoga and weight reduction are more firmly related than we really know. There are different fundamental reasons for weight addition and yoga addresses these reasons from inside.


  • Invigorates the Liver
  • Initiate the Thyroid Gland
  • Keeping up the Right pH of the Body
  • Striking the Perfect Balance in the middle of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System
  • Dynamic Internal Heat
  • Move the Muscles with Strength
  • Get the Heart Rate Up


The Warrior Pose:

The Warrior Pose or Veerabhadrasana is one of the best yoga postures for weight reduction that fortifies and tones the arms, shoulders, thighs and back muscles – all in the meantime. It is a viable yoga for individuals with back issues that is additionally helpful for expanding general parity and stamina. For this yoga posture you have to stand straight with your legs far separated. Presently bring your hands up over your head and stretch them. Catch both hands together in a Namaste and turn your middle to the right side. You right knee ought to twist marginally while attempting to extend your abs as much as you can. Close your eyes and mean 30 seconds to 1 moment. Subsequent to swinging it to one side, take after the same system to one side. This stance will fix your muscles furthermore condition your legs giving you great body quality. Rehash the stance 2 to 3 times on both sides.



Boat Pose:

This is one of the force stuffed mat activities for abs conditioning. Take a seat on a mat, and extend your legs. Your knees ought to be pulled up, thighs ought to be tight and your toes ought to be brought up. Presently attempt to raise your feet off the ground and convey your legs to a 45-degree edge. Breathe in while you raise your feet and abstain from bowing your knees. The spine ought to be straight, and your body ought to make a V shape. Raise your arms to the shoulder level. This stance will expand your stamina furthermore chop down tummy fat. It will build your lower and abdominal area quality. Boat-Pose

Yoga Bridge Pose:

Vessel Pose or Paripurna Navasana is one of the force stuffed level tummy practices that removes fat from the belly by conditioning and reinforcing the stomach muscles alongside the hip flexors and spine. It additionally conditions the arm and leg muscles, helps in assimilation and animates the thyroid organs and kidneys and is one of the best yoga practices for neck torment.Rests on your back with your feet joined and your hands close by. Presently, breathe out and lift your head and midsection off with the ground and stretch your hands towards your feet. Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 moment while feeling the stretch and pressure in your stomach muscles and navel while breathing ordinarily. Gradually breathe out and come back to the beginning position. Rehash this represent 3 to 4 times. This stance will build your muscle quality. In the event that you like to add a variety to this posture. Attempt to lift up one leg noticeable all around for 20 seconds. You ought to rehash the same with the other leg. Yoga (Bridge Pose)


Lie on your gut and achieve back to snatch your feet as in bow posture. Presently through inward breath, lift up your midsection and crush the shoulders towards one another. Fold your feet towards the hip locale and let your hands hold the toes. Hold this posture for 5 breaths and afterward steadily discharge. Mandukasan-pose


This is otherwise called Bow posture. All you need to do here is to rests on the floor with your gut touching the ground. Keep your hands other than your midsection. Presently take a full breath and lift your legs & thighs up. In the meantime, you need to attempt to catch your legs with your hands. Stay in this position for 30 seconds & discharge. Dhanurasana-yoga-poses  

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose):

In this posture, you need to position yourself into a bended stance which looks like a snake. Mull over the ground in such a route, to the point that your brow touches the ground. Presently put your palms under your shoulders in a way that it gets tucked near to your body. Stretch your legs in a manner that the top of your feet presses down into the mat. Presently breathe in & gradually press your hands to extend your arms, sending your midsection upwards. This posture resembles a snake & consequently it is known as the cobra stance or the snake posture. maxresdefault    

Upward plank or Purvottanasana:

This may appear somewhat hard to break towards the begin yet the outcomes that this asana yield will abandon you quite delighted. This works widely on your back, shoulders, arms, spine, wrists and invigorates muscles. It is additionally incredible for the respiratory framework. It is awesome for the center quality of the body as it takes a shot at your legs, inward thigh muscles as wells as hips. Sit with your legs extended before you. Put your hands behind your hips guiding towards your feet. Presently, point your feet, set up your body to ascend. Raise your body from the tailbone and take a stab at pulling your head back too. It is the definite inverse of the position which you get in just before get ready for an ordinary push up. 2-137-upward-plank-pose-purvottanasana



Stand straight with your feet touching one another. Presently breathe out and twist downwards from your hips to touch your feet with your fingers. Keep your arms extended in the entire procedure. Presently gradually rise upwards and about-face to the first position. Padahastasana-Benefits-distend-of-abdomen-constipation-indigestion-gastric-problems



Begin with a wide legged position; turn your right foot out. Presently extend your arms, totally open pushing the right half of your waistline over your right leg and gradually go down, confronting downwards with a level back. Keep your right palm on the ground (you can decide to keep it before your right foot or behind it) or on a square with your left arm extended upwards. Rehash the other side. page45_1

Utkatasana or the seat posture:


  • It reinforces the center muscles, thighs and tones the rump.
  • Evade this posture on the off chance that you have a knee or back damage.
How to Do this?
  1. Stand straight on your yoga mat with your hands in namaste before you.
  2. Presently raise your hands over your head and curve at the knee such that your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  3. Twist your middle somewhat forward and relax.
  4. Stay in this position for whatever length of time that you can. Tenderly do a reversal to the standing position.

Sunday 21 June 2015

1st International Yoga Day on 21st June 2015

June 21 was declared as the International Day of Yoga by the United Nations General Assembly on December 11, 2014.[1] Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice or discipline that originated in India.
The declaration of this day came after the call for the adoption of 21 June as International Day of Yoga by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his address to UN General Assembly on September 27, 2014[2][3]wherein he stated:[4]
"Yoga is an invaluable gift of India's ancient tradition. This tradition is 5000 years old. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfilment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and the nature. By changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help us deal with climate change. Let us work towards adopting an International Yoga Day."
—Narendra Modi, UN General Assembly
In suggesting June 21, which is the Summer Solstice, as the International Day of Yoga, Narendra Modi had said that the date is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and has special significance in many parts of the world.[5]
From the perspective of yoga, the Summer Solstice marks the transition to Dakshinayana. The first full moon after Summer Solstice is known as Guru Poornima. According to Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, in the yogic lore, the first transmission of yoga by Shiva, the first Guru, is said to have begun on this day.[6] Dakshinayana is also considered a time when there is natural support for those pursuing spiritual practices.[7] Govind Gurbani Yog Guru / Vice President of Rajasthan Swasthya Yog Parisad Jaipur India informed that on 21st of June fifty thousand followers of Yoga will perform Yoga in Rajasthan.

As the first rays of a nascent Sunday sun pierced the darkness, all roads led to Delhi's Rajpath, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi led a gathering of 37,000 people in the first International Yoga Day celebrations.

Modi, who swapped his trademark kurta-pyjama for a white tracksuit and a scarf with the colours of the national flag, went through several ‘asanas’ (postures) of the ancient Indian practice at the event that organisers are hoping will set a new world record for the largest yoga class at a single venue.

“This is a programme for 'manav kalyan’ (welfare of humans), a tension-free world and a programme to spread the message of ‘sadbhavana’ (goodwill)," the Prime Minister said.

Source - Wikipedia and Hindustan times